Save The Dates (Fall 2024) – BECOR

Save The Dates (Fall 2024)

BECOR has a full fall program planned, so this announcement provides advanced notice to Save the Following Dates.

Upcoming Events are:

  • October 23 (Wednesday): Webinar:  Office to Residential Conversions
  • November 20 (Wednesday): Half-Day Seminar Series – Green Roofing
    • Sessions to include:
      • Benefits of, and Science Behind, Green Roof Systems
      • Green Roof Case Study – to Illustrate Best Practices
      • Green Roof Failures – What’s to Blame?
      • Electronic Leak Detection
    • Special Guest: Jennifer Drake, Carleton University, who is one of Canada’s leading experts in stormwater management, low impact development, and green infrastructure.
    • Full announcement in late October, and registration opens.
  • December 11 (Wednesday):

3rd annual Jacques Rousseau Brag Session, which is a social session filled with short presentations to brag about a pet project, in a positive atmosphere with minimal questions and NO negative commentary.

Presenters Needed for Brag Session 

If you would like to share an interesting experience at this session, please submit a brief outline summary of your session before Wednesday, November 27.

Submissions are to be submitted to Tony Colantonio, at

Topic Delivery

Presentations will be brief – only ten minutes long (+/- a few minutes, as desired).  Also, you do not need to include a Powerpoint or slide show presentation.  In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to present a subject which does not fit our typical session topics.


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Would you like to see our space before joining? Come and visit our coworking space. Please fill out the form and our manager will get back asap.